Post Offices
Australia Post
I travel 5 mornings per week about 24 klms to pick up my mail from a post box. Today it was so dark the post office box numbers could not be read, mainly because there were no lights illuminating the area. I knocked on the door and when a staff responded I explained my difficulty and I requested that they switch on the lights. The staff shrugged and said: Can't. When I asked why not, they responded: I haven't got the switch, or some such gibberish. So I had to travel all the way back home and wait till sunrise, then travel another 24 klms back into town so I could read the box numbers at the post office and pick up my mail. There are times when the Alice Springs post office is not a public service; it is more of a public hindrance, and I wish some responsible person would give it a good kick in the backside and show it how to function responsibly.