Maternity Retailers
Baby Signs Australia
PO 1485
Kenmore, QLD, 4069
Baby Signs Australia
We make parenting as easy as waving bye-bye! Simple researched program to help you communicate with your baby and understand their needs, wants & feelings.Baby Signs Australia provides Australian families with a simple parenting baby communication program.
With easy-to-use gestures babies are able to show us what's on their minds, what they need and even what they feel. This creates less frustration and tantrums as your baby's needs are always being met.
The Baby Signs program was created with Drs. Linda Acredolo & Susan Goodwyn who spent years researching into whether using signs with babies was beneficial or not. The results were astounding proving their program decreases frustration, increases emotional & intellectual development and enhances the bond you have with your baby.
Baby Signs Australia wants our program to be learnt as easy as possible which is why we have a Complete Baby Signing Kit which includes a parent guide, parent dvd, 4 baby signing books, baby dvd and flipper chart to conveniently place on the fridge.
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