IT Services
BugWolf Pty Ltd
BugWolf Pty Ltd
User testings tools & teams for the enterpriseBugwolf turns software testing into a serious game where vetted testers compete in
challenges over accelerated time to discover usability, user experience, and
functional bugs before customers do. When utilising our model clients discover more
bugs with less people in less time prior to releasing applications, reucing test
cycles from weeks to days, lowering the cost of testing by up to 50%, and
accelerating testing and product releases. Bugwolf provides clients with a Platform
where clients can accelerate testing themselves, a vetted marketplace to extend
their existing testing teams, or managed tests where clients can outsource their
testing. Many large enterprises like National Australia Bank, Australia Post and
Treasury Wines engage BugWolf to review the usablity of their applications prior to
releasing them to millions of their customers. more
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- Times Vary - call for details