Health Point Practice Acupuncture
Closed until Friday
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Health Point Practice Acupuncture
Leisa Kay Acupuncturist:- Natural Health Care for LifeAcupuncture
Now at Leisa's new clinic.
shop 7
19 Benabrow Avenue
Bellara 4507
Acupuncture offers a unique approach to health and well-being with the ability to treat a wide range of conditions, from musculoskeletal and gastrointestinal issues to mental health, reproductive and gynaecological issues. Depression, headaches, morning sickness and sciatica are just some of the many conditions that are effectively treated by more
Contact details
Payment options
- HiCaps
- All Cards Accepted
Opening Hours Detail
- By Appointment (Only)
- Closed Public Holidays