I was very disappointed with the service I received here. I was desperately seeking a rental property for myself, my partner and our baby. After finding a great house on realestate.com.au I contacted LJ Hooker Salisbury (whom the house was being advertised through). I was told I needed to complete an application before I could view the property. I completed the application and dropped it off and then heard nothing for days despite my numerous attempts to contact them via E-mail and phone. I had explained in my e-mails my availabilty to view the house and that I was happy to knock off early but she needed to tell me when there would be an open. After 4 days of no contact, she called me at 3pm to tell me there was an open inspection at 5pm that day. Because of her lack of contact I missed the inspection. I then proceeded to try and contact her again to arrange another inspection. Each time I called I was told that she was unavailable and my message would be ...read more
I am a property owner who engages the services of LJ Hooker and I am disappointed and angry at how my property has been managed and I am sourcing another service provider. The quality of service has deteriorated and I will be out of pocket fixing things that should never happened under there management.