Child Care & Day Care
Meet A Sitter
NSW, 2204
Meet A Sitter
Meet and Speed-interview a group of prescreened babysitters and nannies in 1 hr at events near you. Walk away with everyone's resume for direct contact thereafter. Super convenientBusy parent needing childcare support? Your babysitter or nanny may just be waiting to meet you at the next event!
Meet & speed-interview a group of prescreened babysitters and nannies from the area in just over an hour. Walk away with everyone's resume details for your direct contact thereafter.
Details of upcoming events across Sydney & Melbourne are listed here and registration online:
Meet A more
Contact details
- Full Day
- Meals
- Half Day
- Before / After School
- Babies
- Multicultural
- View more (5)
Payment options
- Gift Vouchers
- PayPal
- Cash