Community Service/Non-Profit
Minda Incorporated
Minda Incorporated
Since 1898 families have trusted Minda to find support that is customised to your needs, focused on your family, compassionate, respectful, flexible and person-centred.Disability Choices is a service for people with disability, and their families, which enables them to make informed choices about their lives through the provision of:
- Expert advice, for what the government, other service providers and Minda can offer
- Advocacy, for when you need another person to talk to, or help you express your wishes, or just ask questions
- Consultancy, for realising what assistance and services are available and guidance with managing individualised funding.
The service can be accessed by a free call number 1800 1 MINDA (64632)
Disability Choices help people with disability and their families:
- Understand how individualised funding works
- Determine the process of securing a service in employment, accommodation, recreation, personal care, respite, in-home support and vacation care
- Discover training programs, individualised to specifically target a personal need
- Connect individuals with other like-minded people in recreational activities
- Link up with service providers that best match an individual's needs.
Disability Choices helps you navigate the system to find services and supports that suit more