Yesterday I decided to try Mochachos. I ordered the $25.95 Family Feast Meal that comes with a full chicken, a large serve of chips and four buns. I made the mistake of asking for the Dynamite flavoured chicken. The chef noticed my pale skin as they served the chips and buns and suggested that I should try the milder extra hot flavour instead. I insisted that I can handle any spicy food, I've been eating another company for years. Told me that Mochachos is a lot spicer and suggested that I let them serve me the extra hot chicken but will supply a bottle of Dynamite sauce so I can carefully season the chicken to to the level that I can handle. I agreed and when the chicken was placed on my table I cut off a large chunk and scoffed it down. My throat started burning a little bit was not too bad. I then seasoned my chicken with Dynamite sauce and gave that a go. My face started dripping with sweat and my eyes started stinging. As hot as it was, I managed to eat it all. Even more