Vineyards & Wineries
Roo's Wines
Roo's Wines
Roo's Wines produce a wide-range of exquisite wine and spirit on the fertile terrains of Australia.Roo's Wines is an exquisite winery residing on the fertile terrains of Australia. This winery offers a comprehensive and distinctive range of wine that the admirers drools over. Authentic method of wine making is being followed to produce lip smacking flavored wine. The farm-grown pure grapes have to go through a variety of methods for the sake of delectable red and white wine cultivation ranging from Casaca Shiraz, Casaca Cabernet Sauvignon, Casaca Chardonnay, Raisin Crush, Pink Twinkles etc. Among all these palatable and amazing flavors, Casaca Shiraz is indisputably a standout to win over the heart of wine worshippers. Apart from wines, Roo's Wines also process some fine spirits like Malt and Grain Whisky, Aged Brandy and Blended Scotch Whisky.