Religious Organisations
St. John's Anglican Church Parramatta Chinese Congregation-????????????-parramatta Chinese Christian Church
Closed until Friday
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
St. John's Anglican Church Parramatta Chinese Congregation-????????????-parramatta Chinese Christian Church
No matter what walk of life you have come from or what your own history is, there is a place and a purpose which God has for you. It is a purpose that begins with knowing Jesus - because all of God’s purposes begin and end with Jesus. And it is a purpose that will continue for you with Jesus in this life and beyond.
At St. John’s we meet to encourage one another as we find our common purpose in Jesus Christ. We learn from the Bible how to find life with Christ and how to live so we can please him.
St. John’s Cathedral encompasses an extraordinary diversity of community life. Across every age group and across the cultures that make our city – our goal is to know Christ and to make him known.
We would love you to join us and we want to invite you to be part of our community and purpose. There are lots of opportunities to serve both within St. John’s and in our community programs.
You can also listen to our services broadcast on FM103.2 Tune in with us Sundays at 7.00pm.
Please visit our website for more more
Contact details
Opening Hours Detail
- Times Vary - call for details