
Swinburne University Buddhist Society (SBS)

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Swinburne University Buddhist Society (SBS)

Commit and Dedicate

The society is currently having more than 100 members from universities throughout the state of Victoria, Australia. In the promotion of dharma and friendships among university students, there are existing Buddhist program partnerships with university Buddhist organizations in Victoria, and also linkage program throughout the universities in the world with high quality and standards.

Units and departments of Swinburne Buddhist Society (SBS) are currently running various welfare and scientific programs and projects not only for Buddhists but also for community at national and international levels as well.

Welfare: The volunteers are assisting various social projects for disabled , senior citizens and sick in cleaning; blood, organ and marrow donation, registration.

Scientific: Promotion of Buddhism via appreciation of science-relevant projects based on the philosophical perspectives, especially related to technology.

Dharma: Meditation, chanting based on current monasteries services are available, to experience the traditional Buddhist practices. Separate units for servicing laypersons are also available.

Further information: Enquiry on Buddhism or Swinburne Buddhist Society could be directed to the Reverent Chuen-Tat Kang via email, mobile or post (e-mail us first before posting any letter) with Attention To : Swinburne Buddhist Society
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