Taylors On Line Car Sales
Open today
7:30 am - 5:00 pm
Taylors On Line Car Sales
Our dedicated sales and service departments are here to ensure you have the car of your dreams and it runs like a dream.Inspection & Servicing
Our workshop facility offers a range of services including - Safety Checks, General Maintenance & Mechanical Repairs and Book Services so never experience sub-par service again. Our factory trained technician will ensure you have optimal reliability.
At our dealership, we keep a small quantity of quality pre-owned & pre-loved used vehicles. Our in-house workshop carries out full workshop testing on every vehicle to ensure they are in top shape for our customers ? Why not ask for a test drive today and we'll offer to bring the vehicle to you and test drive at your convenience.
We aim to provide a variety of finance options to help get you on the road quicker. Our friendly finance representative will ensure you get the right balance and, if you're eligible have an approval in 24 hours so with quick approvals we are able to have you in your quality Taylor's used vehicle more
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Payment options
- MasterCard
- Visa
- All Cards Accepted
- Direct Deposit
- car rego inspection
- car detailing
- car sales
- car service