Alternative Medicine
Wauchope Acupuncture Chinese Medicine Centre
Port Macquarie
NSW, 2444
Wauchope Acupuncture Chinese Medicine Centre
Restoring health with grace.Wauchope is a quiet change from Port Macquarie - come over have a treatment, lunch, gift shop, or sit by the river. Friendly, and a deeply relaxing experience. Thats what Wauchope Acupuncture is about calmer more connected.
Practising in Port Macquarie and surrounds for over 20 years. 5 styles of acupuncture and Chinese Traditional Herbal formulas covers effective treatment in Gynecology, Colds Flu chronic fatigue, Digestive IBS, Arthritis, Sports muscle skeletal, Skin disorder, Autoimmune, Stress emotional, anxiety sleep disorders, Health management and prevention. Feel free to ring to find out if this clinic can help you.
TCM Traditional Chinese Medicine is a complex system of diagnosis that intergrates the root your deep pattern of health and it's reaction to the external environment on a physical, emotional, mental, energetic level. The points are selected according to these principals. This is the foundation for the other acupuncture methods below. The patent Chinese Herbal pills are also derived from this system.
Finally we have Classical 5 Element Acupuncture. This is the go to for health prevention and balances you to meet the challenge in your life. Developed in Lemmington GB in the 70's combines Daoist based acupuncture and Jungian Psychoanalysis. It's about identifing the uncomfortable and using "spirit of the points" actions that release the negative and open up what you can really do with this life. This method is gentle and the needles in and out you lie there no needles but feeling at peace and with hope you can meet this more
Contact details
- Acupuncture
- Traditional Chinese Medicine
- Relaxtion Therapy
- Gynecology
- Colds Flu
- Chronic fatigue
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