Business Services
Web Site Under Supervision
3 Karius St
Glenfield, NSW, 2167
Web Site Under Supervision
One price fits all!
By showing you how and supporting you, you can build a scalable selling website for a fraction of the cost others charge - and a good deal better - no experience required.
We are tired of people ripping off small and large businesses, hiding behind the 'cloak of mystery' that has been propagated about the web.
Changes should not have to cost $100s. It should be as easy as writing a letter.
Well, guess what? It is!
Give us a call to learn how. Phone or email us for a free consultation.
The bottom line:
Have your site up and running next week - and someone in your company (anyone, from the warehouseman to a junior) as the web master.
Imagine - a new product line, up and selling within 10 minutes!
Drop dead simple when you know how - anyone can do it! How about you?
We offer a boastable satisfaction guarantee - one that you can tell your friends and flaunt at you more
Contact details
Service Type
- Free Business Listing
- Results by Relevance
- Online 24 Hours
- Local Search Directory
I spent hundreds of dollars to get my drawings onto the web, and found out that I needed much more to sell them. Whats more, the wouldn't give me back my graphics. Site Under Supervision sorted it out, took what had taken a year and over $1000, revamped it to look up-to-date and exciting and moneymaking in just a few weeks. I used the sight as my portfolio and got 3 commissions straight away.
Not only that, they showed me how I can add or take away or change prices in a matter of moments. I also learnt how to create emails, newsletters, the works.
I would have saved myself heaps if I had found John and his gang first up.
Highly recommended!
Beaumont Jardine, Illustrator
Thanks for the help and tuition setting up our Website Blog. I post information daily instead of waiting for someone else to do it. Uploading photos and updating coming events is a breeze. I wouldn't have thought it was so easy until you outlined your offer. And the after sales support is invaluable, keeping me updated on what's new and possible. A good company.
From a sad brochure online to a fully functional sales channel, and virtually overnight.The results were spectacular.
We organised for 2 people to attend this in-house course. One employee as the main person and the other as a backup. 2 hrs introduction and then 4 hrs over 3 days. We get a packing slip and the customer gets an invoice. No more emails back and forth.We couldn't ignore the growing trend towards buying on the Internet. We had our website and just in time for Xmas and in some ways it saved our bacon - sales we wouldn't have gotten. My advice is - if you want to do it right, do it yourself. No one knows your products better than you do. And if you want to do it yourself, get these guys.
CEO Roofrack Traders
My boss told me to say that this is well worth the money and has already paid for itself in earnings and savings.
I stepped into the class that was set up for our business to create and run our own website. I barely knew how to open a folder. It was a steep learning curve but within a 12 hours we had a site and I was populating the virtual shelves with our product. And our site looked awesome. I set up email addresses, and account info. You know what was the real thrill - we got our first order, fully automated, within the next week.
I tell you, the guy from Site Under Supervion, looks unusual but he really knows his stuff.
We had a website before but we had to have someone do all the little changes and they wereen't cheap. Now I do them on the spot, and it's part of my job, so the company doesn't have to continually pay. They call me Spiderman at work.