Zest Painting, Decorating & Maintenance Service Pty Ltd
Closed until Sunday
10:00 am - 6:00 pm
Castle Hill
NSW, 2154
Zest Painting, Decorating & Maintenance Service Pty Ltd
CONSISTENCY, PERFORMANCE & TRUST plus YOU'LL LOVE WHAT WE DO! We guarantee quality and professionalism.. Call us now.Choose Zest Painting to get the best painting service in Sydney with professional licensed home painters, who have the capability to paint any of your interior and exterior painting projects, that guarantees quality and professionalism. We dont just paint your home. We give your home colour and Zest?
Here at Zest Painting there are many services that we offer. some of these include
Interior and exterior Painting
Residential and commercial Painting
luxury house painting
high water pressure cleaning
wall paper removing, property maintenance
internal painting, artistic finishes
brush painting, spray painting
repairs rotten timber
special effects
marbling, sponging
repair cracks
water damage repair
House Painting up
Painting for Renovations
Wallpaper removing
Special effects
Epoxy coatings
Industrial coatings
Artistic finishes.
Why choose Zest Painting? We have
Free quotes
10% Seniors discount
Quality brands such as: Dulux, Wattlyl and PPG/Environment (AUS) 10 years guarantee.
Top quality workmanship
Consistency, Performance and Trust through out every project.
Here at Zest Painting, we are members of
Accredited Dulux Painters
Master painters Association
Top 25 trades
We now specialize in not just painting but all kinds of renovations, maintenance, carpentry, decking and building services.
visit our
Lic. No. more
Contact details
Property Type
- Warehouse
- Hotels
- Villas
- Terrace
- Alpine
- Shops
- View more (22)
Payment options
- Direct Deposit
- Cash
- Heritage Buildings
- Restorations
- Graffiti Coverage
- Residential
- Commercial
- Spray Painting
- View more (9)
- Dulux
- Wattyl
- Bristol
- Taubmans -Hills Painting -Turramarra Painting - Property Maintenance -Home maintenance -House Painting -Upper Northern Shore Painting -Blacktown Painting
The Zest team recently completed external/internal window painting at our residence in Carlingford. The condition of the old paintwork was very poor, and the workers spent a lot of time scraping and preparing the frames prior to painting. The job was commenced at very short notice from us and the Project Manager communicated clearly and honestly at each stage of the project. Work started at 7am sharp each day and the painters worked neatly and were very professional. These guys are committed to providing an excellent service, and it shows in attention to detail and making sure the customer is fully satisfied before closing off the job. Highly recommended local painter.
Thank you for showing your appreciation and giving ZEST the opportunity to be of service to you.
We would gladly look forward to being of assistance again in all of your future property maintenance services.
Thank you to the Zest team for an outstanding job! They spent the better part of two days cleaning and repairing the outside of the house before starting to paint, and this attention to detail shows. They are punctual, reliable and personable and the workmanship is excellent. I would be happy to recommend Zest to anyone planning a painting job.