When you have tax matters small or serious, the consequence of ignoring could be beyond your initial estimate. In most cases of tax matters, the initial planning and following legal analysis are the critical points to minimise the damage. However, not many tax professionals in Australia have experience in this area especially in matters of serious non-compliance. This could result in you having to pay a huge amount of money as a fee with lengthy time periods with enormous anxiety, results are often disastrous. This kind of result usually comes with:
1. Approaching the matter with numbers (accounting approach only) to calculate the tax payable without seeing the bigger picture (legal side includes tax legislations, ATOâ??s Tax Determinations and Rulings and Court Cases);
Approaching legal solutions only without having the right numbers for tax calculation. This could result in you having to engage other professionals apart from the legal teams, and they may cause turbulence due to different approaches with each other at much higher costs.
2. We, Australian Tax Experts, however work as a team with highly experienced accountants, tax advisers and solicitors for your matter. From the starting point, we plan together for how to approach the matter with minimum damages (or sometimes no damages) for our clients. The trust comes with our history.
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