Avery Acupuncture- Uses Traditional healing methods with a modern approach to treat a wide range of ailments including musculo-skeletal conditions, sports injuries, pain management, internal conditions and pregnancy treatments including infertility, breech position and induction. Acupuncture, massage, Chinese Herbal Medicine, cupping and moxibustion available.
Kingsley Avery holds a Bachelor degree (Health Science) in Traditional Chinese Medicine from the University of Technology in Sydney (UTS) and a Diploma of Eastern Massage Therapy from Canberra Institute of Technology (CIT). He treats a wide range of ailments with a particular interest in Musculo-skeletal conditions, sports injuries, pain management, internal disorders and pregnancy treatments including infertility, breech position and induction. Kingsley uses a modern approach to a traditional paradigm of healing, incorporating the best of the East and West. Kingsley?s treatments are evidence based, so there?s no ?hocus pocus? involved and he has an interest in explaining the concepts of traditional healing methods in a language you can understand. Kingsley?s aims are to promote whole of body health and the awareness of principles and techniques to encourage permanent healing and growth in the individual. There is no ?magic pill? to complete health and happiness, just knowledge and effort. The path has to be walked by the individual, and Kingsley strives to guide you on that path, into the light of health and healing, and out of the darkness of illness and pain.
Please mention this Listing (True Local) for $20 off your initial consultation and treatment.
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