What happens during an acupuncture treatment?
Many people may be unfamiliar with what exactly takes place in an acupuncture session. Wondering what happens during treatment, how many visits may be needed and whether health insurance covers it are all common concerns. In a typical first visit, a practitioner will take a detailed health history, fully investigate your chief complaint and provide acupuncture for you. This may take up to an hour and a half but is necessary to create an individualised treatment plan that takes into account your present physical, emotional, and nutritional condition, while focusing on your main health concern. Acupuncture is the insertion of very fine needles (the width of two human hairs) into specific anatomical points. Return visits to an acupuncturist may also introduce the option of Chinese herbal therapy. Chinese herbal therapy reinforces acupuncture in a natural way without side-effects. The two are often used together to strengthen the effects of treatment and to achieve longer-lasting results in a shorter amount of time.
What does acupuncture treat?
Currently, the World Health Organisation (WHO) has determined that acupuncture is effective in treating over 40 different disease categories.
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