Border Osteopathic Clinic is a multi-disciplinary health clinic offering osteopathy, myotherapy, Chinese remedial massage and acupuncture. All practitioners are passionate about their professions and aim to offer the highest quality health care to every patient.
Osteopathy is a form of manual medicine - this means 'hands on'. Our hands are finely tuned to help us diagnose areas of your body that are in need of treatment - You will receive a whole-body assessment and treatment of up to 45 minutes for your first consultation. Subsequent consultations are 30 minutes. Our personal treatment style is very gentle, making it suitable for children and those who prefer a pain-free treatment. We use a range of techniques including massage, stretching, mobilisation, muscle energy techniques, myofascial releases and cranial osteopathy. We will also discuss your lifestyle and may recommend changes such as diet or exercise, or refer you to other healthcare providers to help you achieve optimum results. Ask us lots of questions - we want you to understand your body and to help you keep it in top condition.
Myotherapy is advanced remedial massage, combining remedial massage with advanced bodywork techniques such as dry needling (inserting acupuncture needles into trigger points). Mark Shanahan is our myotherapist and he is particularly skilled in the prevention, treatment and management of sports injuries.
Our clinic also has a Chinese remedial massage therapist, Rick Shang, who offers acupuncture and massage, either in conjunction with Osteopathic treatments or on their own. If you are not sure which to have, call or email and we will help you to decide which treatment will suit you best. Rick uses both remedial and Chinese techniques in his massages, and may also use acupuncture during the treatment. Rick has a stronger treatment style but will adjust the pressure used to suit the preferences of each patient.
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