Do you wish more viatlity and ease? Are you suffering from chronic health conditions or pain or seek gentle support for woman's health? Contact Bettina to find out how acupuncture is beneficial in your individual situation as we are all unique. A referral is not required.
Bettina is a fully qualified acupuncturist and Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner registered with the The Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (APHRA). This is the government agency that also registers medical doctors and nurses. Bettina is accredited by the Australian Traditional Medicine Society (ATMS). Members are bound by a strict code of practice and ethics. This includes accountability, confidentiality, insurance and continuing professional education.
Bettina has a background in Biological Sciences (PhD Microbiology), research and teaching. After experiencing the benefits of Acupuncture herself, she trained in Acupuncture for five years, completing a Bachelor of Health Science in Traditional Chinese Medicine at the University of Technology Sydney (BHSc-TCM, UTS).
Bettina is passionate about helping you to reach greater harmony and resilience in body, mind and spirit with the aim that you heal and feel good.
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