Acupuncture, Ear Acupuncture, Guasha (Scraping), Cupping, Bloodletting, Moxaibustion, Herbal Medicine & Tea (Capsules, decoction, granule & raw herbs), Chinese & Korean Patent Medicine, Aromatherapy, Counselling, Diet Therapy, TCM Training
Eva is an experienced, fully qualified and accredited practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Eva has been specialising in musculo-skeletal disorders such as low back pain, neck & shoulder pain, postural problem, sport injuries, tennis & golf elbow, heel spur, rheumatoid arthritis and chronic muscle pain over ten years.
Eva also has successfully treated various gynaecological and menopausal complaints including: amenorrhea, PMS, infertility, IVF support, pregnancy support, preparation for labour and menopause. Eva has a great deal of clinical experience in these areas and continues her regular training in other areas with highly experienced mentors.
In harmony with TCM, and utilising her broad background, Eva aims to treat the 'whole' person (body, mind and spirit) and restore balance, in addition to alleviating the symptoms of the disease. Eva welcomes men, women and children with any condition to experience the benefits of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Eva is a member of AACMA, and registered with the Chinese Medicine Board of Australia. Eva's qualifications are recognized by all the major health funds and Work Cover of New South Wales.
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