The Clinic comprises a progressive group of Professional trained health care covering a range of services than can assist with your health care needs including:
[ general acupuncture, Special acupuncture: IVF & Infertility Acupuncture, Hot needle acupuncture, Navel button acupuncture, bloodletting acupuncture, Ear acupuncture, Electrical acupuncture, Qi electrical acupuncture;
Chinese Herbal Medicine,Chinese Massage,Cupping,Deep tissue massage,Lymphatic drainage massage,Pelvis / Spine correction therapy,Periosteum massage, Remedial Massage,Reflexology, Foot massage with foot bath & foot steam ] , wedish Massage, Trigger point therapy, Myofascial release therapy, Sport injure Massage, Women's Health
Traditional Chinese Medicine Treatment areas as following:
Neurotic Diseases:
Apoplexy, hemiparalysis, Facial paralysis, Migraine, Headach, Sciatica, Trigeminal, Neuralgia, Toothache.
Circulatory System:
Arrhythmia, Hypertension
Respiratory System:
Asthma, Acute and chronic bronchitis, Common Cold
Disgestive System:
Gastritis, Gastroduodenal Ulcer, Cholecystitis, Gallstones, Constipation
Enduring System:
Disbetes, hyperthyroidism
Urogenital System:
Impotence, Urinary Tract Infection,
Dysmenorrhea, Amenorrhea, irregular memstruation, menopausal Syndrome
Motor System:
Frozen Shoulder, Cervical Spondylopathy( Neck pain), Torticollis, Acute Lumbar Muscle Sprain, Chronic Backache, tennis elbow, Gold elbow, Arthritis,
Chronic Fatigue syndrome, Insomnia, Dermatitis, Neurodermatitis, Psoriasis, Eczema, Chronic Pharygitis, Acute Tonsillitis, meniere's Disease.
Private Health Fund rebate available
Chatswood Clinic:
Suite 88, Chatswood Village
47 Neridah Street Chatswood NSW 2067
( across the road from Chatswood Chase CarPark Entry, behind the 24 Hrs. Medical Centre )
Open hours:
Mon.-Sat. 9:00am- 6:30 pm
(After hours, by appointment)
(02) 9884 9586 Mobile: 0403 609 361
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