As holistic therapists we aim to aid individuals to establish a healthier state of body/mind thus stimulating the bodies own self curative abilities. This personalised care is utilised both for the prevention and treatment of disease such as, for example stress, or headaches, either on its own, or in combination with another practitioner i.e medical, Acupuncture, Naturopathy, or Psychology etc. if required. All therapists are qualified and experienced with a total of 100 years of collective experience in the healthcare and natural medicine field.
The clinic is situated in Rosalie Village, Milton, Brisbane (above Sushi Lovers) in a peaceful environment close to free transport and parking.
FIONA GRIGG. Acupuncturist, Chinese & Western Herbalist, Naturopath.
Fiona has been working and studying in the health and disease field for more than thirty years. Prior to graduating in Traditional Chinese Medicine in 1985, she worked as a Registered Nurse/Midwife in both Australia and the UK. Now a fellow of the Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Association (AACMA) Fiona is a trained Acupuncturist, Chinese & Western Herbalist and accredited Naturopath.
Fiona brings a wealth of experience to her health care practice whilst utilising a broad base of wholistic disciplines. Continuously attending seminars her knowledge is drawn from both traditional and modern research in the natural medicine field.
The combination of therapies enables Fiona to have a useful base from which to aid you in both dis-ease prevention and treatment whilst achieving better health and wellbeing.
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