Ms. Yi Hong is a registered acupuncturist in Australia. She is a very reliable acupuncturist as she has 20 years of clinical experience in the treatment of acupuncture. She has her unique insight for the treatment of pain disease. She is very experienced in the treatment of especially chronic pain in cervical, shoulder, elbow, paint joints, back, and waist.
After years of practice and exploration,Ms Yi Hong created her own ?fast pain relief therapy.? By using this therapy, immediate effect can be seen when treating general pain disease.
If your legs, feet, arms and fingers have long lasting numbness, our unique treatment can make your symptoms disappear or mitigate. Ms. Yi Hong uses classical acupuncture loosening therapy to maintain good flow of your related nerves and blood vessels.
If you have a chronic disease, we enhance treatment plan which is tailored for you.
A new type of needle stick can be placed on acupuncture points which enables continuous treatment of the disease up to 48 hours. Prolonged acupuncture treatment time greatly improves the therapeutic effect of acupuncture. You can even exercise or sleep with the needle stick (under doctor?s recommendations), without any discomfort or pain.
Ms Yi Hong was born in a Chinese medicine family. She had earlier followed Acupuncture master Mr Zhao Xi An and learnt acupuncture and moxibustion. She then followed the Taoist successor Mr Ge Xin Pu to further her acupuncture skills. Ms Yi Hong also holds an acupuncturist vocational qualification certificate in the Republic of China. After she migrated to Australia in 2009, she held several charity treatment in Adelaide Yihong Acupuncture Clinic so far.
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