************Specializing In************
Fertility / IVF Support Neck/Should/Back Pain Menstrual Disorders Hormonal Imbalance
Psoriasis/Eczema/Acne Headache / Migraine
Immunity / Energy Liver/Digestive Problem
Stress / Anxiety / Tension Severe Fatigue
Weight Control HayFever/Asthma
An acupuncture trial in four Melbourne emergency departments has found it is just as good as drugs in relieving lower-back pain and that from sprained ankles and migraines.
Acupuncture provides excellent treatment for acute or chronic pain. Acupuncture releases endorphins from the anterior pituitary gland and stimulates immune response. Acupuncture and herbs reduce inflammation and increase circulation.
Acupuncture can be used to treat any type of fertility disorder including spasmed tubes. Spasmed tubes are often de-spasmed with acupuncture, though blocked tubes will not respond to acupuncture. Acupuncture is often combined with herbal remedies to treat elevated follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), repeated pregnancy loss, unexplained (idiopathic) infertility, luteal phase defect, hyperprolactinemia (when not caused by a prolactinoma), polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) with annovulatory cycles, and male factor including men affected with sperm-DNA-fragmentation.
One of the main causes of the disease is functional overstrain of the nervous system. Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine are able to regulate the nerves and the endocrine systems to make them function properly. As a result all the symptoms will disappear and fitness will be strengthened. The treatment has no side effects and produces instant results. The curative effect is sustainable and is highly appreciated by the patients.
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