Our professional practitioners offer Acupuncture (Oriental Medicine style based on the theory of Chinese Medicine. Practitioners have minimum Four Years Chinese Medical Training), Chinese Herbal Medicine and Massage Therapy. Commonly treated conditions are Infertility, acupuncture-IVF support, Back, neck, shoulder, knee pain; Headaches, mental health, stress, insomnia, Low back pain & Sciatica.
We also treat complicated and difficult health problems, where there may be a serious western medicine diagnosis, alot of "unresolved symptoms", digestive problems like
Chinese Medicine uses comprehensive combination of questioning/interview, pulse and tongue diagnosis to establish the Chinese medicine diagnosis. We aim to treat the cause and the symptoms of your health problem. Chinese medicine is about getting your body back to health and through prevention and protection promoting the most optimal state of being for your body - both physical and mental.
Every patient is different, we will treat you as an individual not a symptom or a disease.
For more information on Chinese medicine, check out our website, with lots of practical self help about Chinese Medicine, herbs, Chinese diet therapy and Remedial Massage Therapy.
Call today to book your valued appointment or speak with a practitioner.
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