New Futures Training (TOID 21203) is the registered training organisation of VICSEG New Futures - the Victorian Cooperative on Children?s Services for Ethnic Groups, a not-for-profit community children?s services agency funded by the Commonwealth and State Government.
For over 10 years New Futures Training has continued to provide accredited training courses in Early Childhood Education & Care, Aged Care, Community Services, Accredited courses, Short courses and more.
New Futures Training supports and provides training to newly arrived and recently settled migrant communities. We understand the cultural, employment, personal and language needs of an ever changing multicultural community. Our commitment to providing "Opportunities for Diverse Communities" is practiced throughout our wide range of programs with valuable work placement guidance & support. We encourage individuals with disabilities to access our training.
Our services include:
 Language Support
 Government Funding
 Work Placement
 Homework support
 Occasional Child Care
 Family Day Care service
New Futures Training runs its own Occasional Childcare Centers and has a registered Family Day Care Service. We also offer pathways for young people to get into School Based Apprenticeships & Traineeships (SBAT) program.
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