You paid good money for advertising and signage for your business...but...
? What if you are at another job or sale and away from your car?
? What if the potential new customer isn't carrying a pen and paper?
? Will they remember your company name, or look in the Yellow Pages and find your competitor?
The Car Card Box is like a second pair of hands.
It's on the job 24/7, working all day, everyday, anytime, anywhere!
It works even when youre not - promoting your business and getting your name and business card in the customers' hands.
How it works
The Car Card Box is fixed to the sides and or rear of your vehicle or shop window. It has a weatherproof spring loaded lid which keeps your cards dry and safe even in the harshest winds or rain. The clear box easily shows your business card (holds up to 40). Customers can now not only see your signs but take one of your business cards anytime, anywhere.
Whether you are in the office, at a job site or even just out shopping, customers can freely take your business card so you will never miss a sale, job or quote again!
For less than $30 you can FINISH your business signage by utilising your business card with the Car Card Box.
Dont just let customers SEE your contact number, let them TAKE it whether youre there or not.
Order securely online at
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