Excursion Inspirations WA aims to provide school teachers, parents and child care services with an easy to access, free to look, web based collection of age appropriate excursions, incursions and now transportation services for school students in Western Australia.
As a user you will be able to search for excursions, incursions and transportation by typing specific criteria into the web sites search engine, free for all to look and search. Users can search under headings such as themes, age groups and locality. Once a suitable company has been selected you will be able to access a range of information including a description of the programs each company runs, costing and a website link.
As teachers in W.A we found it difficult to find a variety of excursions and incursions suitable to the theme and age group of students in our classes. We were aware that there was a large variety available in W.A, but there was no way of accessing them all in one place. This sparked the idea of researching all available excursions, incursions and transportation available and placing them in a website that teachers, parents and child care services could benefit from.
Happy Searching!
The Excursion Inspirations WA Team.
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