Nestled between the rolling greens of the Mount Coolum Golf Course and the rolling waves of beautiful Coolum beach, Estia Health Mt Coolum is an attractive, relaxed, friendly residence offering a variety of accommodation styles and services.
The unique modern layout fosters a greater sense of independence, with each of the three low-care terraces home to just 20 residents, and featuring its own dining room, kitchen, laundry and social areas.
Our highly-experienced staff have been specially selected for their resident-centred approach and commitment to delivering quality care and support.
Two dedicated cognitive support units are also part of Estia Health Mount Coolum, and are designed specifically for those with memory and cognitive care needs, including dementia. Comprising a lower-care and a high-care facility, they allow residents to benefit from specially trained staff and a dedicated lifestyle and activities program focusing on dignity, independence and individual attention.
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