Soil Analysis and Testing in Australia
To optimise for crop quality and yield, it is recommended that agronomists work with an independent Australian lab for soil testing and analysis. Independent soil testing labs can provide a level of analysis that covers the entire range of soils in Australia. Although kits are available, which promise to provide accurate agricultural soil analysis and testing, these are inadequate substitutes for the level of analysis provided by a soil testing lab certified by ASPAC (Australasian Soil and Plant Analysis Council). Soil analysis and testing, with an exclusive focus on Australian soil, is an essential precursor to determining the proper choice of fertiliser. Much of the above also applies to agronomists who intend to do plant tissue testing, but we�ll address that in a separate article.
Essentially, a certified soil testing lab like Phosyn Analytical has one primary goal: to quickly provide agronomists with an accurate soil analysis, (with clearly formatted reports) so the agronomist can help growers maximise their yield and quality. The soil testing lab should be able to provide agronomists in Australia with assistance regarding basic questions relating to soil analysis and testing (for instance: What size sample should I provide?) all the way up to the most technical questions regarding appropriate levels of trace elements and factors that inhibit uptake of essential nutrients. Once the soil analysis and soil testing reports are provided, Phosyn has found that most agronomists have sufficient specific information to advise growers regarding fertiliser recommendations and application methods.
Phosyn Analytical provides the full spectrum of agricultural soil analysis and testing necessary for an agronomist or grower to make an informed decision on fertiliser choice and the application of micronutrients. Whether you are testing for broad acre or horticulture crops Phosyn�s reports are consistent, clearly formatted, easy to
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