Bowen Therapy is a system of non-invasive and gentle moves designed to activate the soft tissue (fascia), muscles, tendons, nerves and nervous systems to restore the body's ability to repair and adapt to good health.
Utilising a series of specialised procedures Bowen Therapy can provide relief for trauma, stress, injury, chronic pain and auto-immune issues to name a few. Bowen therapy procedures are designed to focus on certain areas of the body (depending on the issue) to release the fascia and send correct messages throughout the systems. This in turn allows the body to correct itself often relieving pain, stress and assisting with recovery.
Bowen Therapy's effectiveness has been experienced for many issues. Below are a few examples of where it can be beneficial:
- Pain relief for many conditions e.g. back and nerve pain,
- Injury recovery e.g. sporting or accident,
- Auto-immune issues
- Surgical support - before and after, and
- Hormonal support for both men and women e.g. puberty, fertility, pregnancy and post birth through to menopausal issues.
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