Homeopathy is a system of natural medicine with a proven track record for safety and clinical effectiveness and is used by millions of people around the world. It seeks to stimulate the body's own healing power to return it to a healthy state.
Homeopathy is capable of healing a wide spectrum of illness - acute, chronic, physical,emotional and mental. Conditions such as arthritis, chest complaints, digestive disorders, all womens issues, glue ear, sinusitis, allergies,depression etc. can be dramatically improved.
The basic principle of Homeopathic Therapeutics is 'like may be cured by like'. This is to say that a medicinal substance which creates symptoms in a healthy person will return a sick person, manifesting similar symptoms to a healthy state. For example, when cutting an onion we commonly experience tears, runny nose and irritated eyes. These are common symptoms of hay fever and the Homeopathic preparation of onion is often prescribed for this condition.
Homeopathic medicines are derived from plant, animal and mineral sources. A special method called potentisation is used to convert the material substance into a vibrational one which powerfully assists the body in its natural endeavour towards healing.
Frances is a experienced practitioner registered with the Gov. approved Aust. Reg. of Homoeopaths and a member of the Aust Homoeopathic Ass. which set high standards.
She trained at the Auckland College of Classical Homoeopathy in New Zealand and has been in practice for 11 years.
Consulting rooms are situated in Wellington and at Anula Healing Canobolas Rd. Orange
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