SCENAR therapy is emerging as one of the most powerful healing tools in the field of complementary medicine. As SCENAR becomes more recognized, our population will need to easily find properly qualified and peer accepted practitioners. Hence the creation of Australasia's first SCENAR therapist association.
The STAA is a non-profit, self regulatory, incorporated association, registered in NSW. It is administered by committee members appointed by its membership and representing all of Australia and New Zealand for the specific purpose of representing the interest of SCENAR and accredited SCENAR Therapists.
SCENAR therapy is unique because it interactively locates, measures and prompts problem areas in the body (active points) through the skin to HELP RELIEVE PAIN AND RESTORE FUNCTION, without the need for diagnosis.
There are also trainers and training organisations marketing their services. This Association seeks to develop a properly trained body of SCENAR therapists and to promote integrity within this industry.
This Association has also been set up to support SCENAR practitioners.
STAA seeks to promote, represent and support the SCENAR profession. It seeks to contribute to the development of this new profession by providing quality resources and services to members and to the wider community.
STAA pursues a policy of self regulation and self determination for the SCENAR profession. We believe that SCENAR is a valuable modality in its own right. As a therapeutic modality, it complements both traditional and orthodox treatments. SCENAR therapy is non-invasive yet effective.
By monitoring professional standards within the profession this Association plans to build public confidence in SCENAR therapy. STAA is administered by an Executive which is elected by the members.
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