Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine in Balmain (opposite Balmain Hospital) located at Balmain Natural Therapies
Christine Murray B.Sc(Hons), B.App.Sc(TCM) is a qualified Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practitioner. She uses acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, moxa and cupping along with nutritional advice to help restore the mind-body into its natural harmonious state, healthy and free of illness. In TCM lifestyle, emotional well being, diet, likes or dislikes of cold/heat, location and nature of pain/disease, body constitution, pulse, tongue are all considered when making an individual diagnosis. This enables the practitioner to tailor a treatment plan specifically for the individual. Wholistic medicines consider that we are all different have different lifestyles, stresses, responses to our environment and so our health care should reflect this.
Acupuncture and herbal medicine for;
Womens health - fertility and prenatal care - morning sickness, gynaecological disorders, period pain,
Gastroenterology - bloating, pain, acid regurgitation, weight loss, indigestion
Musculoskeletal - back pain, frozen shoulder, carpal tunnel syndrome, knee pain
Urology - urinary disorders, frequent urination, leakage,
stress, headaches, fatigue, depression, change of lifestyle.....
You can contact Christine for an appointment or for further information by phone or e-mail.
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