Professional Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal medical services available 7 days a week at two convenient, inner Sydney locations: King Street, Newtown (inside Newtown Gym) and Terrace Spa Retreat in Surry Hills.
With a history of over 5,000 years, acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine is a safe, natural and effective treatment for a number of conditions, including:
- back and shoulder pain
- neck and leg pain
- headaches and migraines
- arthritic pain
- sports injuries
- gastrointestinal disorders
- infertility and gynecological disorders
- hayfever, sinus, allergies
- asthma
- eczema, acne
- stress, depression and anxiety
Health fund rebates available.
To find out how acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine can help you, call Steven Short (Ba. Dip TCM. AACMA) or email or visit our website.
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