At Inner Gold you will find wholistic care given with compassion and in a way that honours you as a whole being. Janna facilitates a space for spiritual healing through Reiki, energy healing and spiritual consultations.
Inner Gold provides Reiki healing and spiritual consultations in the leafy and tranquil surrounds of Cheltenham in Sydney's Northwest to all people wishing to find peace and well-being in their lives.
Inner Gold offers attunements to Reiki for people who would like to use this energy for self healing or for helping others find wellbeing.
Janna is a skilled healer and energy worker who works intuitively by identifying and connecting with underlying energies and blockages that cause ill-health and a lack of well-being.
There is a correlation between energy blockages in the meridians and chakras and illness. These blockages can have many causes, including influences from past lives, genetics, ones environment, as well as personal belief systems. In saying a person is responsible for their ill-health it can imply they are to blame, this can cause guilt and slow the journey to wellness. At Inner Gold we believe it is more positive to see ill-health as an energy blockage that the client has control of by making it conscious and addressing the underlying causes. As the blockage is made conscious, acknowledged and removed, the client begins to feel greater well-being and the body can begin to heal.
"I facilitate healing through Reiki, channeling its healing energies, and by drawing negative energies and blockages from the body to allow healing to occur. By working closely with my Clients during healing sessions, I allow the natural healing power within each person to give greater meaning to each person's path towards wholeness."
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