Lindsay Braid graduated from the renowned Southern School of Natural Therapies (VIC) with the highest level of training and a Degree in Health Science (Naturopathy). Since graduating Lindsay has worked in a multi-modality clinic along Victoria's south coast before relocating to Sydney in 2010. Since working in Sydney Lindsay has worked alongside two of Sydney's top Naturopaths, within a Weight loss & Women' health orientated clinic and finally an IVF & Fertility support clinic, before opening her own clinic in Woollahra.
Naturopathy is a practise of preventing, assessing and treating conditions of the human mind and body. By using both conventional health sciences and a range of natural therapies and traditional medicines, Naturopathy treats the patient�s mental, emotional and physical states for a safe and lasting effect.
Conditions Naturopathy Treats
Womens Health - fertility, pregnancy, conception, menopause, supporting bone density, PCOS, endometriosis, painful and irregular periods.
Digestive Complaints - IBS, IBD-ulcerative colitis, chrons disease, allergies, reflux and irregular bowel habits and pain.
Immune Systemreducing colds and flu, urinary tract infections, sinusitis, hayfever, allergies, eczema, asthma, dermatitis, urtica, acne rosaceae.
Mental Health - insomnia, depression, stress, anxiety, improving memory concentration and energy. Head aches and migraines.
Weight loss & DetoxWeight loss & detoxification.
Children & Teenagers-Colic, reflux, diarrhoea/constipation, dermatitis, fever, allergies, ear infections, sinus, allergies, restless, sleep complaints and ADD/ADHD.
Among other common conditions-Diabetes, high blood pressure, tinnitus,
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