My Meditation Source is about offering different ways to tap into the deeper part of youself - the part that has peace, clarity, and direction - using approaches that make sense to you.
Here's one of our most popular courses -
Learn to Relax & Meditate
1 evening x 4 weeks
From Tuesday 15th Feb 2011 7.00-8.30pm
Would you like to feel completely relaxed whenever you chose?
No distractions,calm, clear, focussed.
Would you like to fall asleep easily each night?
And stay asleep, waking feeling refreshed.
Would you like to transform your stress into something positive?
And bring energy and enthusiasm into every day.
In this course we show you how.
We call it The 30 Second Inner Calm Technique.
With a little practice, 30 seconds is all it takes to
to switch off your busy mind, feel at peace and alert.
Release the past and be in the now in any situation.
Note: There is no exercise component, mysticism or religious slant.
Nor is it based on positive thinking or affirmations.
Learn how to focus and relax at the same time.
What happens in the course?
You are comfortably seated in an air-conditioned space, and
guided through some simple yet effective steps to assist you to relax,
unwind and refresh. You will learn how to use the technique to be in
a relaxed, alert state at any time in your busy life.
Note: Lots of opportunities to ask questions, each session builds on the last.
Who goes to this course?
Anyone can learn what we teach in this course. Our
students include: professional people such as doctors,
solicitors and nurses, students, mums at home, business
women and retirees.
Fees: $135 or $120 prepaid includes a CD of guided meditation for home practice. You can register and pay online at our website, or phone or email us to discuss.
Want to try our meditation style first? Come to Monday Meditation evenings - 7-8pm at Clayfield.
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