At New Day Wellness we utilise a unique combination of complementary therapies to assess the health and wellness of individuals and groups, using the results to develop tailored wellness programs.
Whatever your goal - be it to lose weight, quit smoking, or just make some positive changes in your life - we will equip you with the necessary wellness tools to reach your goals in a natural, lasting and stress-free manner.
Our goal is to help people help themselves, ensuring they get to a point where they don't have to rely on others for their wellness needs, but have become the masters of their own life and health.
Women's health
Wellness coaching and homeopathic medicine combine to create astounding results in women's health and wellness issues. Coaching works to formulate goals/desires and support you in reaching them, while the homeopathy works on a deep and subtle level to remove any physical, mental or emotional blockages which may be preventing you from moving forward in your life in a positive direction.
Children's health
You are never too young to learn the value of wellness and self-care. Children are extremely sensitive and respond quickly and beautifully to the gentle rhythms of homeopathic medicines. Beyond the common physical complaints which are more easily resolved as children, we can begin to arm your children with practical tools aimed at improved self-esteem and confidence, and positive growth and behaviours.
Weight loss
Weight loss is a process, a journey of the mind and soul as much as the body. Lasting weight loss comes first and foremost from developing positive attitudes which in turn leads to positive behaviours.
Smoking behaviours
We utilise wellness techniques that have proven to alter smoking behaviours, often resulting in quitting smoking altogether.
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