Bowen Therapy - A realignment of the physical, mental and emotional bodies using a gentle rollover of muscles, ligaments and tendons. Can be done on newborns through to the elderly.
It is great for -
- Neck, Shoulder and Back pain
- Sports injuries
- Hamstring, Knee and ankles
- Headaches and Migraines
- Respiratory and breathing issues
- Balancing and stimulating organ functions
- Stress and Anxiety
NLP - Neuro Linguistic Programming.
NLP is a set of tools which helps create permanent change using language of the mind to achieve specific and desired outcomes. It can help with unwanted learned behaviours, emotions, fears, feelings and low self esteem.
You can gain confidence, clarity, motivation, positive direction and attitude easily and effortlessly.
It can help eliminate -
- Fear - Phobias - Guilt - Anxiety - Depression - Anger - Trauma - Doubt
-Limiting Beliefs -Sadness -Limiting Decisions just to name a few conditions that respond well.
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