Classical Chinese acupuncture is combined with the modern and highly refined Japanese techniques to create a gentle yet potent form of medicine that treats many modern ailments as well as maintains great health in all ages. With the refined technical skills of the practitioners in a tranquil environment, treatment at the A.-T.E.A.M. Clinic becomes an enjoyable, relaxing experience. Servicing both sides of the highway at Mudgeeraba and Robina.
We also offer Bowen Therapy - a safe, gentle and effective treatment consisting of small precise moves, using light cross fibre maneuvers on muscles and connective tissue. This helps to reset the body to heal itself.
Shiatsu - This is a massage delivered via compression. It uses a rhythmic pressure that is so relaxing it affects us down to the parasympathetic nervous system. This means that our internal organs actually relax, allowing for better blood and energy circulation.
Moxibustion - Moxibustion is the therapeutic practice of burning moxa wool, made from the dried leaves of the herb Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris), on or above the body.
Massage - including Chinese, Swedish, Deep Tissue, Aromatherapy, and Reflexology.
Other therapies include - Cupping, Gua Sha (scraping), Sotai, NLP, microdermabrasion, non-surgical facelifts, and Chinese herbs.
We can assist with pain, rehabilitation and recovery, IVF and pregnancy support, relaxation and destressing, emotional conditions, and much more.
Our therapies work on all the systems of the body - digestive, respiratory, cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, endocrine, reproductive, nervous systems, sense organs, and skin.
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