Specialising in Treatment for Frozen Shoulder, Carpal Tunnel, Tennis Elbow, Lower Back Pain, Knee Pain, Sciatica, Migraines, Headaches and Emotional Trauma.
Why Me?
Sometimes we are in physical & emotional pain. We get stuck in a rut. We are having problems finding the right balance to get back on track. It is an endless cycle.
Most of our body system dysfunctions lead back to nutritional deficiencies, imbalances within the body, the mind, our muscles and bones, emotional issues and reactions to external factors.
A combined analytical and holistic approach to assess the presenting problems and conditions is often necessary to determine these causative factors; as it is essential to the body that we improve weaknesses, and rebuild strength after illness, injury and stress.
To be able to cope with our daily stresses, work, growth, sporting requirements, illnesses and external factors - our body system requires strength & endurance based on an optimal nutrition, healthy mind & muscle balance.
Our body has the ability to show us through signs and symptoms were we go wrong. If we don't pay attention, the dysfunction can manifest itself into a much bigger problem.
We are all individuals, and as such have different needs and requirements.
Let us assist you in regaining optimal health.
Claudia Mueller, AdvDipNut, AdvDipnat, AdvDipHM, DipSp, DipRM, DipBT
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