Bowen Therapy is a gentle, effective muscle therapy. Gentle, rolling movements over muscles, tendons and ligaments are made with thumbs and fingers at specific sites on the body with short waits in between, allowing the body to integrate the work. A session usually takes about 45 minutes to an hour . The Bowen is generally performed over loose, light clothing and the client is required to be well hydrated. Often only 1-3 visits are required to attain results.
Bowen Therapy can be considered for:
Back Pain /Sciatica
Neck /Shoulder Pain inc. Frozen shoulder
Hip/Knee/Ankle & Feet problems
Respiratory Problems inc. Asthma & Emphysema
Digestive Complaints inc. IBS
Fibromyalgia/ Chronic fatigue Syndrome
Pregnancy Bowen
Baby Bowen - unsettled babies
Sports Injuries
Bowen is very gentle and can be considered for babies to the elderly.
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