My unique combination includes the latest advancement in Acupuncture - new to Australia AND we don't use needles, called Acutonics. This new form of Acupuncture combined with Reiki, Massage and Scenar, is achieving incredible results for clients that have 'tried everything' in the past without success.
Natural Therapists approach conditions and ailments from a holistic angle - I am no different. However, where necessary, I combine my treatments, giving my clients quality healing from within, which in turn can heal on nearly all levels - physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and of course, nutritional (most things begin with what you eat anyway).
We all know that different therapies (and combinations of) work for different people. My modalities provide me with the platform to address these issues and give pain relief as well as addressing the core problem.
Do you suffer from:
Muscle problems
Ankylosing Spondylitis
Menstruation problems
Bone problems
Skin conditions
Sleeping problems
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Jaw problems
Spinal problems
Muscular Dystrophy
Osteo/rheumatoid Arthritis
Eye problems
I could go on, however the list is long enough for you to get the idea. Take control of your health now before it's too late, because often, what you're feeling now are generally symptoms of what's yet to come.
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