Maureen Harmony is a Naturopath, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Remedial Masseuse, Aromatherapist, Reiki Master, Polarity Master and Psychotherapist.
She has been awarded seven Diplomas and twenty Certificates, is a member of several Professional Therapist's Associations and has over thirty year's experience in using and teaching natural therapies.
Maureen is also a Government Registered Training Organisation Provider, an Accredited Massage and Aromatherapy Tutor, Personal Growth and Clinical Hypnotherapy Tutor, and holds Training and Assessment qualifications. She has published many articles on Natural Therapies and Relaxation. Her services are sought by individuals and families as well as those in the corporate sector.
Her e-newsletters provide subscribers with information about health, beauty, jewellery, aromatherapy, life coaching and other subjects related to improving enjoyment of life and maintaining good health.
The Centre of Healing Therapies provides a full range of personalised and professional natural health, skin care and aromatherapy services for the corporate and private sector..... it is a healing centre of natural and holistic therapies .... visit my website for full details
The College of Healing Therapies is an ASQA (Commonwealth Government) Registered Training Organisation, providing quality, personalised and professional Australian government and professional association accredited massage courses, aromatherapy and accredited clinical hypnotherapy courses and other interest courses in natural therapies.
Beadgorgeous Jewellery Designs ~ personalised and unique handmade jewellery by Maureen and Michelle Harmony using the colours and healing qualities of semi-precious gems, pearls and other beads to enhance and complement you. Australian made quality jewellery. Fashion range also available
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