Bowen Therapy is simple, safe, effective and can bring about relief from pain fairly quickly. It is a therapy that really looks at the whole.
Bowen Therapy gives the body a stimulus and gets the body to react to a rest and repair stimulus, so the body is involved in creating the change. It rebalances the body so it can repair itself.
What makes this modality different from massage and other modalities is Bowen Therapy does not over stimulate the body, so therefore the piezoelectricity does not flush out of your connective tissue. It relieves pain, and also physically restores mobility and improves energy, clarity and brain function, and improves functions of all the organs and body systems.
Bowen Therapy has an 80% success rate and resets the body to heal itself. It treats musculoskeletal or related neurological problems including acute sports injuries and chronic or organic conditions.
The holistic therapy focuses on rehydrating the connective tissue (fascia) of the body which relieves back & neck pain, sciatica, migraines, arthritis, fluid retention, poor posture, stress, fatigue and depression, to name a few.
Reiki Therapy balances the Chakra's while grounding the body and removing energy blockages. Reiki assists with emotional and physical pain and relieves symptoms of anxiety, depression and emotional burden. A wonderful energy experience that provides peace and clarity and will leave you feeling emotionally and spiritually centered, balanced, harmonious with positive energy flowing to the mind, body and spirit.
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