Bowen Therapy is a manual therapy which seeks to assist the body to heal itself through the treatment of soft tissues, most notably the fascia. "Fascia is the body organiser embracing all nerves, bones, arteries, veins and muscles." Treatments are managed through light clothing, it is non-invasive, gentle and an effective pain reliever.
~Active sportspeople will benefit in shorter recovery times following acute injury,
~Those with chronic ailments can benefit from greater mobility, flexibility and quality of life.
~Anyone can enjoy the relaxation and calmness a holistic Bowen Therapy Body Balancing Treatment can provide.
Additional benefits can include increased energy, improvement in the immune system, re-balancing of the body, improved circulation, lymphatic drainage, and detoxification.
Further and important benefits of Bowen Therapy are that it has few contraindications. It is very gentle, relaxing and non-invasive involving no manipulation, and is therefore ideal for everyone including children and the aged.
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