Holographic Kinetics is an Aboriginal Dreamtime Healing Therapy Technique that has 40 years of research behind it. It is based on Aboriginal lore, and as many cultures have realised for thousands of years, everything has a spirit and can be communicated with.
We all have a spirit and our spirit knows everything about us. It knows when, where, why and how any trauma, issue or challenge has been set up. HK can access cellular memory passed down through generations and the cause and effect of events. As we set up traumas in the past, so they effect our present and our future cycles of time. As we access these and change the thoughts and emotions within its own dimension of time, we change the past for a different present and future. This goes beyond any therapies known today and has achieved outstanding results worldwide.
About me:
I am a teacher of two to five year olds and a parent of two teenage boys. Learning to live at the level of my spirit has meant I have learnt a lot about my journey and theirs. I am able to teach them to empower themselves and move through their own challenges with more awareness, insight and maturity. They have developed self-help skills, have learnt to understand their world as a multidimensional universe, and have matured and grown as a result of healing their own past issues.
I have been working with and clearing unhealthy patterns and blocks to self-actualization for more than 7 years. As I have healed these things in my own life, I find I no longer live my life in the ordinary way.
I am passionate about helping people of all ages, heal issues from their past that are effecting their present and future cycles of time. What we experience, we have set up, and when we are ready to let go, we change our reality to a healthier present and brighter future.
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