I am a qualified Western Herbal Medicine Practitioner and also have a Certificate 4 in Massage Therapy.
Appointments are available in Iridology and Western Herbal Medicine, Massage, Reflexology, Ear Candling and a form of energy healing called Theta Healing.
1 Hour appointments are available for $60. Ear candling takes 45 minutes and is available for $45. Half hour massage appointments are $35.
I am part of the Seniors Card program and offer 10% of all appointments and products for sale.
I can offer receipts for Private Health Benefits for Western Herbal Medicine.
I stock a wide range of liquid herbal extracts, Metagenics and Mediherb practitioner only products as well as Blackmore's Celloid Therapy products for use in Mineral Therapy.
I am also a qualified practitioner in Australian Bush Flower Essences and stock a wide range of their preblended bottles and sprays and can also make up your own personal blend. I am also one of few places that can offer the entire line of the Light Frequency Range, which is proported to be their most powerful essences ever produced by ABFE.
While in the middle of the Newstead shopping precinct, I am off the main road (situated behind Newstead Hair) in quiet, relaxed rooms.
Come and see me for a relaxing appointment of massage or reflexology, or let me work with you to remedy your health concerns.........whatever area your appointment is for, you will recieve the very best of care, every time you visit!
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